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American Indian Student Services

American Indian students wearing traditional attire stand outside the Tjornhom-Nelson Theater smiling next to one another

American Indian Student Services is a multifaceted program established in 1978 to recruit and retain American Indian students. We currently serve over 100 students representing over 30 tribes. AISS provides the following services:

  • Cultural programming
  • Diversity dialogue on topics relevant to Indigenous students
  • Peer mentoring for incoming American Indian students
  • Advocacy on behalf of American Indian students
  • Assistance with financial aid concerns
  • Scholarships for American Indian students
  • American Indian graduate recognition
  • Advisement for the Augsburg Indigenous Student Association (AISA)

American Indian Student Services Program


Phone: 612-330-1144


Follow us on Social Media

American Indian Student Services at Augsburg University (@aissauggies)
